V-Europe Third Session Workshop 'Horses and Nature' As part of V-Europe's new 'Inspire & Discover program', various activities and workshops are being offered to victims, made possible thanks to our partners and the generous support of the Fédération W...
V-Europe, V-Europe Admin Conference on the rights of Victims of Terrorism in Denmark In 2024, Denmark will introduce a new legislation for victims of terrorism. In preparation of this legislation, the Finn Nørgaard Foreningen has organised a seminar to which different actors in variou... Justice & Truth Prevention & Education
V-Europe, V-Europe Admin Informative Session by Victim Support - Insights into Criminal Justice: March 22, 2016 Attacks Victim Support led an informative session specifically on the execution of sentences related to the March 22, 2016 attacks, as well as the rights of the victims. V-Europe provided additional support t...
V-Europe, V-Europe Admin Informative Session by Victim Support - Insights into Criminal Justice: March 22, 2016 Attacks Victim Support led an informative session specifically on the execution of sentences related to the March 22, 2016 attacks, as well as the rights of the victims. V-Europe provided additional support t...
V-Europe, V-Europe Admin First Workshop 'First Aid Training' As part of V-Europe's new 'Inspire & Discover' program, several activities and workshops are offered to victims, made possible thanks to our partners and the generous support of Fédération-Wallonie Br...
V-Europe, V-Europe Admin Debates on civil claims at Justitia court Summary of Civil Claims Procedure After the lengthy Assize trial, the focus now shifts to civil claims against the convicted individuals. The Brussels Court of Assizes will hold sessions on the follow...
V-Europe, V-Europe Admin First Workshop 'Drawing and Art' As part of the new 'Inspire & Discover Program' by V-Europe, various activities and workshops are offered to the victims, made possible thanks to our partners and the generous support of Fédération-Wa...
V-Europe, V-Europe Admin "Horses and Nature” workshop In a green and almost idyllic space in Tombeek, guided by Isabelle and Catherine (Voyage d’Ulysse), our four participants were able to enjoy an experience with horses. At first, they exchanged stories...
V-Europe, V-Europe Admin Remembrance - victims of Stockholm Truck Attack of April 7th, 2017 On April 7th, 2024, in a heartfelt moment of remembrance, V-Europe gathered to honor the lives lost in the tragic Stockholm truck attack of 2017. Sharing a heartfelt poem written by the parents of one...
V-Europe, V-Europe Admin Workshop “Walk in Nature” This Sunday, we kicked off our social activities for 2024 with a refreshing getaway in nature along little-traveled trails. In the enclave of Ceroux-Mousty, under the watchful eye of our guide Karin M...
V-Europe, V-Europe Admin Second ‘Drawing and Art’ Workshop As part of V-Europe's new ‘Inspire Discover’ programme, several activities and workshops are offered to victims. This initiative is made possible thanks to our partners and the generous support of Féd...